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1/05/2014 4:28:01 AM
Pro Structure Change starts 1st May!

We're happy to announce that the regular Pro events at the Beaumaris Sports Association on Tuesdays and Woodvale Tavern on Thursdays are changing from Thursday 1st May!

These changes have been discussed at length between us at the Beaumaris and the regular player base, and we're sure you will like them -

Pro League Structure

$30 buy-in Freezeout (no more re-buys!)

8000 chips.

$25 to the prize, $5 towards Club fundraising.

The currently pooled end of season prize pool will be paid out as usual at the end of the season grand final, but the new structure is live from today, Thursday 1st May.

Now you can win a lot more prize money on every night you play...

Spread the news, see you soon :)

Gaming Functions by Permit issued under Section 47 of the Act for Beaumaris Sports Association