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4/01/2016 4:42:31 PM
Welcome to 2016! Great poker resumes Tuesday 5th!

We'd like to wish you all the very best for 2016! Now we're through the holiday period, poker is back!

Starting at the Beaumaris on Tuesday 5th Jan, and the Woodvale on Thursday 7th Jan, Season 30 continues where we left off before Christmas.

It's hard to believe that we are up to Season 30 now, and that the Western Australian Poker League started nearly 10 years ago!

For those who've stuck with us since the beginning (and yes there's quite a few who are still regular players!), you've seen lots of changes along the way, but one thing that will never change is our commitment to ensure you have a great time when you join one of our events.

We look forward to seeing you in 2016, and best of luck!

Haven't played with us yet, or have a friend who might be keen? New or returning members for the first 2 events of the year will receive their annual membership or renewal for free! Merry Christmas. ;)