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1/08/2013 1:37:32 AM
New monthly Sunday events, Macau Trip, and the next PoCA Challenge!

The Sunday Monthly!

We are now starting to run a monthly Sunday event upstairs at the Albion Hotel for our members to win both great cash prizes, and to secure their seat in the big Poker for Charity Challenge events!

The first Sunday Monthly is this Sunday 4th August!

Registration time is 12pm, with us seating at 1pm. Please don't be late, or call ahead to be put in and blinded out of you want to play and can't make it on time.

The structure is as follows -

$50 buy-in, with a single $50 re-buy or top-up

6000 chip starting stack, 6000 re-buy/top-up

20 minute blinds throughout

Top 10% players in the money!

Prizes are paid in cash along with a PoCA Challenge Seat worth $100 which can be used at any future PoCA Challenge event!

Should you want to sell your PoCA Challenge seat, it will be easy to sell on the day, as these are in demand by all the members who are hoping to experience (or return to) the wonderful Team WAPL Macau Trip!

Good luck this Sunday, hope to see you there.

Good Luck Team WAPL Macau!

It's nearly time for Team WAPL to head to Macau again! With Frank and Jill leading the team, it's great to have both experienced Macau trip lovers joining the new blood! We know you will all have a blast, as always!

Best of luck on the felt, at the parties and getting great deals in the markets in China!

We will be looking forward to following your progress on our Facebook page -



Poker for Charity Association

Join Team WAPL Macau at the Poker for Charity Challenge!


Your next chance to win your way to Macau with Team WAPL is upstairs at the Albion Hotel in Cottesloe on Sunday 13th October. 11am registration, 11:45am seating.

$100 buy-in with a single $100 re-buy or top-up, the PoCA Challenge event is your best and only chance to win your way to Macau with Team WAPL, to compete in some of the highest quality poker events in the world. Events like the Pokerstars Red Dragon and Macau Poker Cup Championship!

Poker for Charity Association - Proudly supported Telethon with a $30,000 donation in 2012 and a $35,000 donation to Princess Margaret Hospital in 2011. Thanks for your contributions towards these great causes.

What's this PoCA Challenge?

Poker for Charity Association (PoCA) is the major charity WAPL events raise money for! The PoCA Challenge is their flagship poker event, a great day of poker, where you're playing to win a $4000 trip to Macau, China as part of Team WAPL, along with cash to the top 10% of players!

Why should you bother going?

Macau is a life changing experience. It is the biggest gambling hub in the world (yes, bigger than Vegas), and poker has grown significantly in this market over the last few years. Pokerstars Macau runs some of the most professional events in the entire SE Asia region.

Even if you can't afford the time to go to Macau, if you play in and win this event, you can be sure there's a queue of people ready to buy the package off you if you don't want to take up the awesome opportunity yourself!


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If you didn't received this news post through email and would like to, please send an email to info@wapokerleague.com.au with "Subscribe" in the subject along with your WAPL membership name, and we will add you. Thanks!